So, with all that I learned at RootsTech and have been reading about, I realized I needed to put it all to use.
This is, again, off track of my family researching, but just wanted to assure my family that the time, effort and $$$ put forth for family history is paying off little by little.
Friday, after RootsTech was finished for the day, I was determined to get over to the Family History Library before all the festivities began so I could get a little research in.
As I dumped all my stuff in the hotel room, I was trying to figure out what to take and not overload myself with stuff. (I usually have to cart everything along in case I “forgot” something.) This time though, I was determined to take the minimum and get a few things accomplished in the small amount of time I had.
I did not want to lug my netbook along and a whole bunch of paper notes. So, using my newfound knowledge, I grabbed my thumb drive which had RootsMagic-to-Go on it, a pen and a spiral notebook with paper to write notes and my NGS neck ID holder for my pen and Library cards.
Off I went to the Library which was just next door and since the sun was shining and weather seemed relatively mild (and cuz I kept forgetting my sweater the last time I was there), I walked out without any coat and just my thumb drive, pen and spiral notebook.
Got to the Library, plugged my thumb drive into a computer, looked at my database, clicked on the Library catalog to see what films I needed to view, jotted down a few notes and the film#s, unplugged my thumb drive and I was off to find the films and see what I could learn.
What fun! Had everything I needed at my fingertips, did not lose my sweater, didn’t have to worry about a computer and I actually found a lot of information on one of my families of interest.
Yea for technology and good weather!
Yep! Less is more is my motto!